How to contribute Print

The Project especially targets pupils and teachers of selected schools in Chichewa speaking Africa, to who printed copies of the Dictionary are given for free. We are financing the Project through (a) Sponsors, (b) Buyers (c) Licence holders, and (d) Advertisers.

Sponsors of the Project

Please consider sponsoring the project by donating to our bank account directly.

Euro account
Foundation Heart for Malawi - Stichting Hart voor Malawi
Rabobank Veenendaal, The Netherlands
No.: 1371.89.958
IBAN NL 76 RABO 0137 1899 58
Indicate: Dictionaries

Kwacha account
Steven Paas: National Bank of Malawi
Zomba Branch
No.: 0000001189611
Indicate: Dictionaries

Buyers of the Dictionary

Buyers of single paper copies click here. Buyers of larger quantities are kindly invited to contact us here.

Advertisers with Online Dictionary

Are you interested in advertising at the Online Dictionary? Please click here to see how and what the possibilities are.


Apart from this, we would like you to contribute by propagating and recommending the Project. Please forward the information on the Dictionary and the website to potential sponsors, buyers, users of the dictionary, and advertisers.