Your Very First steps in Chichewa - Possession Print

In Chichewa possession is expressed by adding a prefix that belongs to the possessed thing or person.

knife\knives mpeni\mipeni The knife of the man. Mpeni wa mwamuna.
The knives of the man. Mipeni ya mwamuna
child\children mwana\ana The child of the parents. Mwana wa makolo.
The children of the parents Ana a makolo.
secret\secrets chinsinsi\zinsinsi The secret of the witch. Chinsinsi cha mfiti.
The secrets of the witches Zinsinsi za mfiti.


the possessive pronoun is combined with the prefix that belongs to the possessed thing or person.

my house nyumba yanga
your house nyumba yako
his/her house nyumba yake
our house nyumba yathu
your house nyumba yanu
their house nyumba yawo


The prefix of the subject determines the prefixes of subsequent words in the sentence, verb, direct object, adjectives.

The knife of the man is on the table. Mpeni wa mwamuna ukukhala pa tebulo.
The children of the parents are crying. Ana a makolo akulira.
The secrets of the witches are threatening the people. Zinsinsi za afiti zimaopsa anthu.
Your house is being built. Nyumba yani ikumangidwa.
His beautiful house is burning. Nyumba yake yokongola ikuotcha.
Their houses are far. Nyumba zawo zili kutali.


Assignment: This is Psalm 19: 14. Look for possessive pronouns and other words indicating possession and try to understand them. After that try to find the meaning of all the words and define them.

'Mau a m'kamwa mwanga ndi malingaliro a m'mtima wanga avomerezeke pa maso panu Yehova, Thanthwe langa ndi Monbola wanga'

Also try to translate this wish and greeting that serves as the final sentence of this mini-course:

Ndikufunirani zonse zabwino. Mupitirire kuphunzira Chichewa/Chinyanja. Mulungu akudalitseni!


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